
The club enters UKAC contests as part of the Triple B Amateur Radio Contest Group. Members who take part can assign their scores to the Triple B ARCG when uploading their results. For other contests the club enters as the BBRC, using the callsign G3WIR. 

Advice and support
Trevor 2E0LDZ’s slide presentation on contest operating (from his club talk on 21 March 2016) is available on the ‘Contest Exchanges.pdf’ link below.

Suggested logging software For UKAC/VHF contests: Minos for PC (see link below to a Minos Guide by Chris G8AJM) or Skookum Logger for Mac  For HF contests: N1MM  

NB There are two versions of N1MM, N1MM Classic (which is no longer supported) and N1MM Logger+. Both appear to be free. We will confirm which version will be used at club events asap.

NNB The installation instructions for N1MM+ say “Be sure to right-click each of the two installers and select Run as Administrator, to make sure that all the component files are registered.”

(NNNB Some might say that this is a security compromise which should only be undertaken if you trust the source of the software.)

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