RSGB Handbook of Radio Communications – good in parts?

The 15th edition of the RSGB Handbook has had a major update – the biggest in years according to the RSGB. In particular they’ve rewritten the Great Outdoors chapter and the Transmission Line chapter goes into much more detail. The handbook now has 752 pages and costs from £33.99 for members (using a £5 voucher members received recently it will only cost £28.99). Non members pay £39.99. There’s a hardback version too for £39.99/£49.99.

The biggest change is that you can buy pdf versions of single chapters. They’re fairly expensive if you want more than a few. Typically priced at £7.99 for members (£9.99 if not), some are currently on offer for £4.99 for members, £6.99 for non-members. Interested in SDRs? Just buy that chapter. If you’re interested in VHF/UHF antennas you might want to look carefully before buying a chapter (or two) as there seem to be two chapters with that name but the description for the second talks about microwave antennas.

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