Tagged: ofcom

Amended licences issued by Ofcom

Following Ofcom’s decision to make changes to the amateur licence they have been emailing out new licences and a covering letter. This seems to be on...

Ofcom changes to amateur licences

Ofcom have published three documents about changes to amateur licensing. These confirmed almost all of the proposals outlined in the recent consultation. There are no immediate...

Amateur licence changes coming

Ofcom’s 2023/24 Annual plan includes plans to change amateur licensing and to give us “greater freedom to operate”. No details are given but we can expect...

Ofcom measuring background noise

Ofcom have published a Spectrum Roadmap outlining key strands of spectrum-related work they’re aiming to complete. ITU-R Study Group 3 had been measuring background noise levels...

Ofcom updates EMF calculator + other docs

Ofcom has published updated versions of the EMF calculator, ‘simplified guidance’ and amateur radio ‘additional guidance’ documents. You can find them by at https://www/ofcom.org.uk/emf The new...

Ofcom EMF letter May 2021

Ofcom recently emailed licensees warning them that licence conditions had been changed to include a requirement to keep within ICNIRP EMF exposure limits and to keep...