What’s a DX Picnic?

We run DX picnics a couple of times a year. These are held in a generous member’s field, a quiet location South of Maidenhead. It’s a good opportunity for all sorts of radio activity with a low radio noise level.

Last September we set up a club station running an entry in the HF backpackers competition. It isn’t that exclusively, I set up a home made DX Commander clone and ran it QRP using my QRP Labs $95 QMX transceiver. Other people set up their own portable stations. Some people camp or caravan.

It’s a really useful opportunity to get to know people and learn how portable operation is done, have a practice at contesting, all sorts of things.

There’s non-radio activity as well, metal detecting, drones, sitting round the camp fire setting the world to rights. All in all a pleasant weekend outdoors.

What do you need to bring?

Yourself. A 2m handheld radio is useful because the gate is kept locked and it helps to call so we can come and let you in.

Camping is not essential. I don’t, feeling too long in the tooth for that, so have to be abstemious so I can drive home.

Radio equipment is naturally encouraged but not essential. The club station tends to operate from Andy’s mobile shack and uses the club trailer mast with a variety of antennas. He has a generator so there’s power. Help/learning about this is very useful.

I tend to bring home made antennas, I’ve set up inverted V dipoles, fan dipoles, DX Commander clone and operate either with my 7300 or something QRP, last time the QMX.

All in all it’s a lot of fun, come and join in, even just for an afternoon. You will be welcome!

This year’s picnics are planned for the 11th/12th May to coincide with the CQ-M HF contest and the 7th/8th September to coincide with the HF SSB Field Day. Hope to see you there.

Chris, G5CTH

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